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Victorinox is a famous Swiss knife maker company situated in the town of Ibach, Switzerland. Since its getting hold of contender Wenger in 2005 it has become the sole supplier of multi-purpose knives to the Swiss army.

The company was founded in 1884. Since 1891, the company has been delivering Sharp Edge knives to the Swiss army. Their distinctive badge a cross in a shield has been used since 1909. The Company was initiated by Karl Elsener in 1921, with the introduction of French stainless steel named as inox. The brand and name of the company became the present Victorinox.

Carl Elsener was born in 1922. Since his early innocent childhood he dedicated himself sincerely to the factory. He became the head of the company right after the demise of his father. He was a man of clear vision and tremendous innovative spirit which paved the way to industrialization of company.

He started his dream career as a teenage apprentice cutler and went on to turn a fairly simple penknife into the global phenomenon that is the multi-functional Swiss Army Knife. He worked for Victorinox for 70 years including 57 years as CEO.

Carl Elsener had a revolutionary approach of making good things better. By keeping constant trust in his employees and taking daring decisions as well as setting the highest quality standards he carried Victorinox out into the world.

He used to give core emphasis for the betterment and welfare of his employees and considered them a vital element for succeeding of his organization. His life was represented by Christian values, mutual trust, respect, gratitude and humility with courage and determination.

His family and the entire company will continue to keep alive the human and entrepreneurial values inherited from Carl Elsener.

Victorinox acquired Wenger in 2005 and became the chief official supplier of the Swiss Army announcing that it intended to keep both brands intact. The company recently announced that it will integrate Wenger's knife business to strengthen its competitive position internationally.

The company had personnel of 900 employees in 2006 and produced about 34,000 Swiss Army knives including multi-tools and household, kitchen and knives. The brand company suddenly expanded its production by making huge exports to more than 100 countries.

The brand Victorinox has recently acquired licensing of the Swiss Army brand and shield logo to manufacture watches, writing tools, luggage and clothing.

The Victorinox watch is an essential gadget in its own right. It is an essential tool designed to suit the most diverse needs. It defines different chic and sporty styles including active outdoors adventures every timepiece excels in quality and design making it a true companion for life.

A negotiation between the two companies gave Victorinox the right to promote the Original Swiss Army Knife. Victorinox has long produced other kitchen cutlery under their own name and the Forschner brand name. In 2011 and a number of pocket and wrist watches are sold with the Swiss Army brand.

Today this self-sufficient family company also produces and sells watches, travel gear including fashion and fragrances throughout the globe. Each product is an expression of Swiss quality and Swiss pioneer fortitude.

The company has supplied the Swiss Army with everything from multipurpose knives to ultra-modern clothing such as classic men’s and women’s apparel, backpacks, luggage, and waterproof watches as well as its full line of high-quality kitchen knives.

Its multi-function pocket knives are well-known for having a diversity of useful, flexible devices packed into a very compact and portable framework. Victorinox knives are known for featuring high quality, durable steel and solid construction and quality control processes for all of their steel supplies help insure a top-quality product.

The Victorinox logo features 33 different tools in its frame. The Tools include knife blades, corkscrew, wire cutters and bottle opener. These tools are widely used by hunters, outdoorsmen and everyday usage as a useful and general knife.

The well-known red-handled knife has gone a long way from containing a single blade to incorporating into spoon, fork, compass, screwdriver, mini-screwdriver, can opener, wood and toothpick as well as tweezers, scissors and magnifying glass. It also adopted changes with times as some latest models are coming up with LED light, laser pointer, USB memory stick, digital clock and Bluetooth. The Company also introduced its fragrance line in 1997 with the collection of many super seductive masculine and feminine perfumes.

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