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Roberto Capucci


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Roberto Capucci was an amazing Italian designer born on 2nd December 1930 in Rome. He is well known for his extravagant and skillfully constructed outfits. He is also titled as the Givenchy of Rome. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. He started his career by working under the designer named as Emilio Schuberth. He established his own company in 1950.

He created unusual, sculpted dresses in original materials and bewitched the fashion world and has since his debut been featured in shows representing most talented and renowned designers. He also opened couture salon in Paris in 1962.He preferred presenting single collection every year in different cities. He has also designed uniforms for the staff of Jet Airways.

Capucci was invited by leading designer Giorgini to show his collection in Florence in 1951. This show made him immensely famous with his innovation and ability to combine the wear ability of fashion with skillful imagination. His standout creations were truly sculptures in fabric, among them the Nove gonne dress, a red silk taffeta gown with nine tiered circular skirts that curved high in front over a knee-length sheath and extended to the floor in the back.

Capucci conceived a brilliant idea for the Nove gonne dress after being deeply observed the concentric rings. It became one of the most distinguished Italian designs of the era appearing in an American advertisement for the 1957. The Cadillac Series 62 is a wonderful combination of fashion and luxury.

He continued to develop a more architectural and sculptural approach to design and very soon recognized for his creativity and achievements. He also received YTDA Award together with famous fashion designers named as Pierre Cardin and James Galanos.

His first Paris collection named as Linea pura was considered as the most exciting and youthful with his elegance for color, vision and clean outline continued to amuse critics all over the decade. His sculpture dresses revealed a wide range of forms and inspiration from art and architecture to music and nature.

His true creative spirit is reflected in his designs that included unusual materials and techniques such as transparent plastic and beads. His use of remarkably decorative fabrics created from black and white ribbons woven into dizzying patterns was masterful.

He struggled with the inconsistent French press and the altering economics of high fashion as great political and social disruption clear through Europe and beyond. He continued experimenting with unusual materials such as blending luxurious silk chiffons with bamboo, pebbles, straw and raffia.

His artistic vision for commercial success gave him a phenomenal response from the customers all over the world. He began to present his work once a year in grand architectural places in popular global cities of the world like as Milan, Tokyo, Paris and New York as well as Rome, Munich, Berlin including Vienna and Austria.

He always persists to bring together his brilliant invention together with expertise and skills in most of his designs. He employs the most talented artisans and seeks the finest materials consistently striving for perfection and says no to compromise.

Capucci is absolutely matchless in his ability to represent his sculpture dresses along with sketches, photos and videos. His all masterpiece collection is worn by famous celebrities and personalities.

The magnificence and earnestness of his manufactures are admired and appreciated by numerous personalities such as Valentina Cortese and Silvana Mangano including Marilyn Monroe, Esther Williams and Rita Levi Montalcini. His dresses reveal a fascinating journey through fashion and luxury.

He began creating sculpture costumes by making a well balanced use of colors and fabrics. He designed unique and memorable outfits which are still remember today. He produced his collection with flowing overskirts and complex folds thus creating attractive silhouettes for women. He designs and shapes create a clear and obvious look of a woman’s figure.

Roberto Capucci is the living legend who is still endeavoring for excellent and distinctive designs for women. His reputation as a creative and stylish designer will always be remembered.

His dresses consisted of various layers and textures combining up for creating a specific and perfect design shape. A wide array of colors he used was a symbol of his attraction to nature. His designs are futuristic and show his artistic maturity.

Roberto introduced his perfume collection in 1963 with appealing and fascinating fragrances for men and women. His popular perfumes include Graffiti, Capucci Pour home and Capucci Di Capucci.

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