Buy Grigioperla Perfume & Cologne Collections | – Tagged "gender_men, 50-100"

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Grigio Perla is the most refined and renowned inner wear manufacturing brand company in Italy. It is making innovation and revolution in corsetry designing including lingerie garments for women and luxury undergarments for men. It is a brand company of La Perla group which is the market leader in inner wear industry leading to night wear and swim wear. It was introduced by Ada Masotti a famous skilled Artisan who opened a lingerie fashion boutique in the year 1954. She had a traditional skill in designing handcrafted Bolognese Corsetry for women. It was a time after the Second World War when this brave and talented lady made her attempt to invest some amount of money in sewing machines and started stitching stylish and elegant satin and lace corsets and lingerie for women.

She created her inner wear collections and sold out to shops in her surroundings. Her inner wear created a boom in feminine lingerie style garments and she became overnight famous for designing busty corset designing for women. She opened a lingerie boutique named as La Perla in Bologna where she gathered a team of artisans to create innovative designed corset collection for women. In few years this boutique expanded its line of garments and introduced men undergarments, swim suits including sleep wear and outerwear clothing for men and women. The designs offer a sense of comfort and luxury made of valuable quality fabrics. The team put extreme focus on the male and female body and design garments according to the exact shape and form.

Today, Grigio Perla has become a top most corsetry and lingerie manufacturing brand all over the world famous for its well designed underwear and bathing suits. It has introduced a huge number of swim wear and active wear collections for men and women. Grigio Perla has diversified its productions towards different market regions always place itself at the top by providing distinguished variety to his target customers worldwide. The company delivers its products to renowned departmental stores all around the world such as Neiman Marcus, Harrods as well as Bergdoff Goodman etc.

Grigio Perla has achieved its continued reputation by designing lingerie for stylish and modern women as it is specialized in producing busty corsets for women. The brand has launched its latest Revolution collection for enhancing inner garments fashion trends. Ada Masotti built a solid position of her company in the market by designing hand made lace and embroidery styled lingerie which created a boom in nner garments fashion during the era of 1960 and 1970.She introduced a versatile collection of items included negligees, chemises and petticoats for women. She used to understand the women body shape and desires and created variety of collections which complimented women figure. The company has a wide range of collections involving perfumes and fragrances. The company has boutiques in different countries like London, Venice, Paris, Tokyo as well as New York, Hong Kong and Barcelona.

La Perla Group has a glorious successful history of 50 years since 1954 till now. Let’s take a brief look at it.

  • 1954 - The Famous Busty corsetry maker Ada Masotti opened her lingerie workshop in Bologna. She named it La Perla and laid the core foundation of perfection and style.
  • 1960 - It was a time and era of prosperity and luxury and lingerie fashion was in full bloom. La Perla created a unique style in underwear and Lingerie designing.
  • 1970 - In this era this brand company provided its very own interpretation regarding women fashion and applied stretch fibres in order to create and design a comfortable and light lingerie style for women. It also introduced matching stretch lace sets by using silk, lace and sheer material. In that era the lingerie became a symbol of seduction for women.
  • 1980 - The year of 1980 is considered as the lingerie boom decade as the women were inclining towards fitness and beautiful body. La Perla created a romantic and feminine icon for women by designing seductive and sensual underwear and outerwear.
  • 1990 - The decade of 90’s observed a prominent change in the style of La Perla collections with more emerging trends in lingerie and outerwear designs making them more intimate and seductive.

La Perla is also famous for its beautiful fragrances and perfumes some popular perfumes for men and women are named as Grigio Perla, Charme , Blue, Eclix and Grigio Perla for men.

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