Fendi is the name of true style, luxury and extravagance for men and women. It is a fashion signature store providing a variety of leather bags, purses, luggage, suitcases, men wear, women wear, eye wear and many other chic items like fragrances and timepieces collection.
This branded Italian store was initially started as small leather and fur luggage shop by Miss Edoardo Fendi in 1918. She single handedly set up this store and afterwards she got married to Adele Casagrande for strong support.
The story of success began to roll when they worked together and opened a new branded leather store named “FENDI” in the year 1925.
The journey of innovation carried onwards and the store got much popular in public by its quality leather women purses which were in much demand those days because of their eye catching appeal and versatility.
In 1965, this branded store was then handed over to their five daughters who used their ingenious & artistic skills to create ultra modern hand bags and purses for contemporary women, which gained them a lot of accolade.
Thereafter, they started designing signature women clothes and other luxury items like time pieces, eye wear and extravagant feminine leather purses.
These five sisters named Paola, Franca, Carla, Anna and Alda had a clear vision and determination to expand their running family business and to bring a revolutionary change in fashion industry. They worked enthusiastically and persistently to achieve their desired goal. They put style and glamour in their brands especially the “it bags” and baguette have been till date very famous among elegant ladies.
Reputable men’s designer Karl Lagerfeld joined Fendi in the year 1977, which resulted in a dynamic and creative partnership. They introduced new meaning to fashion and designed together many popular signature brands for men and women. Lagerfeld designed light weighted leather fur coats for men, which is still in vogue and have excessive demand in winter.
He also designed excellent men’s wear and fashion accessories making them popular in customers. He introduced a new term “Fun Fur” which has become a renowned and accepted International fashion logo symbol. It grabbed the attention of all global retailers for their finest quality leather goods and found international market for increasing their products recognition over worldwide.
They proudly opened their first international fashion store at 5th Avenue New York to exhibit their collection for American customers. Fendi Sisters traveled around the world to make their brand name recognized among the customers.
Fendi’s Ready to wear collection has much appeal and is in demand all over the world by stylish women as their signature ready made designer clothing. Their fashion show of women clothing at the Great Wall of China was a huge success and first of its kind at this great spot to bring more customers for women clothing.
The Fendi Store’s achievements include another milestone was Pequin Fabric stylish bags and purses for ladies portrays a symbol of feminine luxury, style and sophistication.
1985 saw the achievement of the completion of their 60 years journey which was full of success, innovation and major accomplishments. This year they have launched a new line of fragrances for men and women. Their first successful exhibition in London made them a trusted brand name in UK.
Following their mission to create something unique in fashion Fendi opened their first men’s wear collection store in Milan. Their collection included casual design wear and elegant party suiting for men, which appealed to visitors’ taste and resulted in an extra ordinary sale.
With the addition of Sylvia Fendi, the daughter of Anna Fendi, as creative director, the company took a new leap in innovative designing. She reinvented the idea of their Seleria line bags and Doctor’s magnificence purses by making them the hot selling brands for women.
She introduced a latest trend in chic feminine accessories to carry with them in an elegant and classy way.
The famous line of fragrances include Fendi for women, Fendi Uomo, Celebrations, fantasia, Asja and the latest Fan di Fendi.
Fendi Stores have now become a prominent signature brand name in the world for providing his excellence in clothing, leather goods and other stylish accessories designed for men and women.